Date: 09 Jul 2021 22:53 Title: Chapter 11
Wise words from Pava - worry more about the klingons you can't see...
The cardassian resistance session was quite interesting - more democratic than I expected from the Legate. But DS9 mentioned several times that Cardassia had a democratic tradition.
General K'Vada is a barrel of laughs. Actually quite a well drawn character.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 29 Sep 2014 02:34 Title: Chapter 11
This chapter really shows a good deal about Sandhurst's character. It's one thing for a Starfleet Captain to simply refuse to do harm to enemy forces and civilians. It's another entirely for him to feel such concern about what non-Federation forces will do to them. The Cardassians captured by the Kang likely took action that lead to the death (or viral illness) of Phoenix crew. There's no reason for Sandhurst to feel such empathy for them, yet still he does.
Date: 29 May 2012 02:13 Title: Chapter 11
Love the Klingons, and I'm glad to see K'Vada is your classic bloodthirsty, warrior-driven, cunning Klingon of old! That last scene was a bit reminiscent of The Way of the Warrior were Dax and Sisko are discussing about the Klingon presence around DS9. I bet K'Vada travels with a few dozen ships (all of which are cloaked) when the need arrises for some additional firepower...
Author's Response:
K'Vada definitely hedges his bets. He's as cunning as he is lethal, which is bad news for the Cardassian insurgency... and the Cardassian people in general.
Date: 03 Apr 2012 12:54 Title: Chapter 11
Wow, as if the fan hadn't been hit by enough. No, you pull out more and throw it the proverbial fan and it sprays all over poor Sandhurst. I love the story and it is very gripping. The Klingon is "pitch perfect". Very good.
Author's Response:
Nice visual! ;) Yes, Sandhurst does indeed get the proverbial shaft here at the hands of General K'Vada.
Date: 31 Jul 2010 05:19 Title: Chapter 11
Wow, things will get more interesting now that the Klingons have entered the equation. I hope Lar'ragos' confidence in them isn't misplaced; I've always wanted to see more ruthless Klingons than what we've seen in the shows.
Author's Response:
Oh, they're ruthless, all right... but indescriminate in their target selection. That bodes ill for the already traumatized populace of Lakesh.
Date: 19 Dec 2009 03:17 Title: Chapter 11
As much as I dislike myself for it, I love K'Vada to death-old school Klingon ready for battle. Hope the Gibraltar can halt the Klingons from doing bad things, but a Connie vs. a Vorcha is not good odds for the Federation.
Author's Response:
Everyone in this equation is being true to themselves and their natures. K'Vada is simply being what he is, as is Sandhurst... unfortunately for the both of them, their aims and practices are incompatible in this particular situation. Thanks for reading!
Date: 04 Dec 2009 10:14 Title: Chapter 11
Sorry it took me so long to carry on with this, but November was a b***h on my reading! :)
Anyway, a great chapter, lots of intrigue and it is interesting to see a captain who is more interested in following orders than going behind Starfleet's back when he feels like it. And I am intrigued to see how this whole situation with the Klingons will play out!
Author's Response:
Glad the Klingons have piqued your interest. ;-) Their arrival is an unwelcome new wrinkle in an already too complex equation.
Date: 12 Aug 2009 04:42 Title: Chapter 11
This is exactly the sort of complication Sandhurst worried about from the get-go, being so heavy handed with the Cardassians that they ensure another war down the line. I'm looking forward to seeing what, if anything, can be done to forestall the Klingons. The excellence continues!
Author's Response:
It's bad enough when the Klingons insert themselves into a situation, but when they outrank you and aren't afraid to use that to their advantage... well, bad things, man... bad things. Thank you for the continuing reviews.