Date: 27 Jan 2022 22:55 Title: Salt the Wounds
Now I want to see a series of stories around Betrik and his tussle with the Pah'wraith... I particularly liked the description of the man. He's an interesting protagonist.
That last bit about ways to fight a god - yeah - that's something I wanna see...
I'm hoping you can gen up (or have already genned up) a series focusing on him. Bajoran noir...
Thanks!!! rbs
Author's Response:
I haven't got around to it yet, but I fully intend to at some point. He's one of those characters you create for a short story that just begs for tales of his own!
Date: 01 Dec 2009 04:50 Title: Salt the Wounds
Well, this answered a few questions I'd had, like what happened with Donald and Ojana after Treacherous Waters, and what happened with the Bajora-Tava. I think you did a masterful job with the political aspects of this. It really felt down-to-Earth (down-to-Bajor?) and realistic, from the hitman-turned-inspector, to the news reporting, to the feel of the city and the nice hotel and the smoke rising in the air from the unrest, the misnamed "Picard's War", the concern over whether a civil/religious war will prevent Bajor's entrance to the Federation ... very evocative, detailed imagery all the way around. Thanks for pointing this one out to me, I very much enjoyed it.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked the story. I was a quick write for me, but it helped to tie up some loose ends as well as shed some light on the toll the Bajora-Tava were taking on Bajor.
Date: 06 Aug 2009 18:30 Title: Salt the Wounds
Very intriguing. I know little of the overall background of this, and yet I was immediately drawn into the action. Your portrayal of Sandhurst as a pragmatist strikes a very real chord for a man in his position. I'm looking forward to making my way through more of the Gibraltar stories.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much. :) This is one of those stories that doesn't make a whole lot of sense without the backstories involved, so I'm pleased you enjoyed it regardless. I appreciate your comments.