Reviews For Hall of Mirrors
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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Sep 2013 01:20 Title: Brown

Ha! Love that the Mice have overtaken the ISS Defiant and Hoshi isn’t quite the top dog she like to think of herself as.

That was a surprisingly fun story set in the MU, I like how the continual just make do attitude of the Terrans as they watch their own back, means the rodents have managed to colonies much of the ship.

Then just when it seems something going to be done about it Hoshi runs her mouth off and the two people who overhear it, find they have no reason to do it and every reason to get a little pay back by doing a poor job.

O I bet Hoshi had a fit when she discover her plush towels were damaged.

Author's Response:

The towels are damaged and there are little skritching sounds all night long, and shapes skittering in the shadows. Eek!

Thank you for reading.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2013 06:06 Title: Brown

Well, Hoshi finally had karama come back to bite her, didn't she? Not entirely the way I suspected this story was going to turn out initially. I was thinking the creatures breeding were something horrible ... space faring monsters, some sort of brood of parasites, but there were mice of all things!

I really liked the interplay between Aidan and Chip. Both guys seem to be in sucky spots and Hoshi is not making life easy for them. Hoshi contiues to be a major bitch in this story and is using her body as leverage, yet again. One day that's going to get her into some serious trouble.

Entertaining read.

Author's Response:

Thank you! They are friends in both universes.

In ours, they run Movie Night and hang out together. And on the other side of the pond, they bond over dealing with Hoshi.

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