Reviews For Agamemnon Voyages: The God Particle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Aug 2020 15:59 Title: 22 - Lexington, 2267
Author's Response: I'm glad you are continuing to enjoy Wesley. In many ways he's the anti-Kirk. He's not the gang-ho, action type, instead he's more cautious and contemplative. Maybe closer to Picard.
Date: 11 Aug 2020 15:59 Title: 22 - Lexington, 2267
I looked up Bob Wesley in Memory Alpha and you seem to present him pretty much as both the original and cartoon series did, calm and thoughtful in the face of danger. A very adroitly handled first contact situation and also expertly handling his crew. He just makes every scene pop in this story.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I'm glad you are continuing to enjoy Wesley. In many ways he's the anti-Kirk. He's not the gang-ho, action type, instead he's more cautious and contemplative. Maybe closer to Picard.