Date: 05 Jan 2010 14:06 Title: Chapter 1 Wolf 359
Flip. After the intense senes of the Vulcan Borg program, I imagined all hell must have reined in the Riker household. It really is strange to think of the children being raised in with a curricula that includes their parents and so many of their extended family. Understandable too why Riker and Troi did not want to discuss these matters. Very dark memories and somewhat explode the one big happy family picture. But as Tuvok states, they do need to learn of it and it goes to show the emotions Vulcans do have deep down to take such care with exploring this chapter of history.
Now, maybe not the intention, but I'm left intrigued as to why Guinan is not mentioned and why her parents have not talked of her to their children in any direct way. You'd imagine she would be a part of the big extended family. Hmmm ... it's almost as if she left their life after something and I have another little intriguing thought. But just as in Book One, I'm not going to say anything but read on to see how this plays again.
Date: 29 May 2009 10:34 Title: Chapter 1 Wolf 359
A potent example of the future's youth discovering the horrors of the past. Tuvok was treading on thin ice with that display, but it was important for Cassidy to understand what was done, what was sacrificed, and at what price.
A troubling yet moving piece.
Date: 21 Feb 2009 07:17 Title: Chapter 1 Wolf 359
Pretty cool concept here..on my way to Part two..(though, I am one who believes Picard didn't do enough to save the sensitive material that Borg used inside of his mind to defeat the fleet at wolf359)
I like Cassidy Riker..the name actually sounds cool too...
Author's Response: Thanks Rob - This was an exercise for my Heritage series wherein I surmise the Rikers had 3 kids - Beth & Bill (twins) and their younger sister Cassidy. I figured that Riker and Troi would have named Beth for their respective mothers and Bill would be the "Jr" of course - but since most other names had already been used in canon (including Riker's use of Jean-Luc for Barash in Future Imperfect) that Troi would have fallen back on her love of the American "Ancient West" literature and named her for Hopalong Cassidy. :)
She's definitely my favorite Heritage character as she has many, many layers. She's a real skeptic...I adore that about her. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the follow up exercises.
Date: 03 Feb 2009 03:07 Title: Chapter 1 Wolf 359
I think I commented on this over on the OS. But! I did add Cassidy's character tag to the Expanded Universe section. ::grins::
Author's Response: Coolness thanks!