Reviews For Agamemnon Voyages: The God Particle
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 11 Aug 2020 15:37 Title: 21 - Agamemnon, 2372
Author's Response: I knew I didn't work enough Monty Python references into my writing. In my defense, I do have some references to Gilbert & Sullivan (not in this one)

Date: 11 Aug 2020 15:37 Title: 21 - Agamemnon, 2372
And the borg scramble everybody's eggs...
The enemy of my enemy - but which enemy?
Another nice cliffhanger and entirely unexpected.
But then.. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!"
I really enjoyed the ploy on intersteller law.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I knew I didn't work enough Monty Python references into my writing. In my defense, I do have some references to Gilbert & Sullivan (not in this one)