Date: 07 Aug 2020 18:15 Title: 18 - Agamemnon, 2372
A very nice romulan pickle. Commander Toreth is quite an adroit antagonist - which is refreshing. Very nice build to this point and a good cliffhanger.
I'm enjoying seeing Maya still getting her sea legs as a commander and having to learn as she goes. Really good caracturization for both of these leads. And not lost that we have a high stakes situation hinging on four female leads.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I always liked the guile of Romulans and they tend to get a bad rap. Toreth was actually a really likable character in TNG and I wanted to keep that going here. Make her formidable and dangerous but also avoid her being just another cookie-cutter villain. She is also far more experienced than Amaya and I really wanted to show that here.
Date: 30 Dec 2019 00:52 Title: 18 - Agamemnon, 2372
I dunno, I think I'm kinda relieved Maya went that route. I think that the original call to force a captain to say nothing at all to her crew was pretty awful, in terms of just what that would do to her AND them psychologically. I mean, it could still back fire, but I can sincerely hope that they won't.
I love the crew reactions to Omega. And the invocation of something much like the stalemate of the nuclear powers on this world. “Until your enemies get their hands on it,” said Sh’Fane who sat at the opposite side of the room, no doubt on purpose. “Then what you get is a war of attrition with collateral damage in epic proportions.” That and the next line. It creates a cold war. The thing is, though, that you always have to take into account the real extremists there.
Oof, to Daystrom trying to steamroll in there. I mean, I get why he is, but this is already messy enough as a situation.
Daystrom was clearly not satisfied with his response. “We can at least try,” he said. “If we all just give up before even attempting to change the wrongs of the galaxy then nothing will ever change.” He has a point. Things change when people rise up. Usually, it's not in socially acceptable ways; it's the Stonewall riots, it's NoDAPL, it's rioting and anger. The French Revolution. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's bloody and ends with power tightening its first, but it almost always is violence. I think he's a bit short sighted in terms of who organizes and institutes change. People in power never want to give up an inch of it.
Oh man, a red alert in this situation cannot be good.
Wow, poor Maya. This whole situation is absolutely awful. I have a feeling she'll find her way through it, but I sure do feel for her. Great work, CeJay! (And sorry for the slowness, holidays and distractions being what they are.)
Author's Response: Hey, no worries. I'm just really excited that you are sticking with this story and finding time to review it to boot.
Daystrom clearly is on a quest here. He might be a little overdramatic, it certainly doesn't quite compare IMO to some of causes you've listed, but it's clear that this hits very close to home to him and that's enough to convince him to make a stand.