Date: 06 Aug 2020 18:13 Title: 16 - Khazara, 2372
Tomalak returns! One of my favorite oily romulans. It looks like Toreth is a good gambler. Nice presentation of a variety of divisions within the romulan culture and of Toreth. More interesting backstory emerging about the Xenarth and their relations with the Federation.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: I've gone all canon with my Romulans. Well, at leas the main ones. Toreth also appeared in TNG, in the episode where she had to deal with Troi as a fake Tal Shiar agent.
Date: 15 Dec 2019 04:01 Title: 16 - Khazara, 2372
Ohhhhhhh boy. Another player enters the field. O.O Can't say I blame Toreth for being anxious about that! This definitely ups the stakes, doesn't it? You have Maya, the Omega particle, the Xenarth, the past with the Lexington and now you've got the smeggin' Romulans. So many moving parts, it won't take much to gum up the works, will it?
Some had speculated that the Senate had felt that he could do less damage to the Empire as a flag officer on Romulus than in command of a warbird patrolling the Neutral Zone. HA! I admit it, I laughed. I probably shouldn't, but that is just the kind of backstabbing political shenanigans that remind me too much of our world.
And OMG, Klestra. And Toreth. This is so bad. I'm scared for Maya and her crew right now. Holy smokes. I'm not even sure what to say, because I'm still boggling about how this is all playing out!
Author's Response: Just to introduce a bit of a complication for our rookie starship captain. Not enough that she has to deal with the most powerful, most destructive force in the galaxy, now it's the Romulans as well. We'll see if she lives us to the challenge.