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Reviewer: TemplarSora Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Sep 2013 20:06 Title: The Facts


It's awkward enough walking in on your parents, or even just hearing it happen in the house...

But you have created such an odd dynamic on Lafa with the multiple families with the day lovers and the night lovers and the open marriages and just...There is so much confusion for someone so used to the "normal" definition of a marriage - let along a RELATIONSHIP - that it's a wonder you can even keep it straight while writing it! Which, speaking of straight...way to throw ANOTHER kink (ha! get it? no? ok, that was weak) into the mix and having two of the kid's moms with each other.

This kid is, A) taking things REALLY well and B) way too smart for his own good already. I love the simple way they explain what was going on (talking about all the moms and dads and what not) that he gets it; mom plus dad equals kid. So, logically, Norri and Melissa don't equal kid because she's not a boy. It's so funny the way that's delivered, and then left alone as the explanation by Melissa. "He get's it, leave him alone, don't say more and traumatize him even more today. Give him more juice." lol

That was really fun to read. The whole family dynamic of your Lafa characters is so wonderful to explore, and it offers so much for you to do. Great stuff, Jespah.

Author's Response:

You're home early!

Here, have some more juice ....

Much later in life, Tommy and his siblings discuss when they learned what a certain number signifies. Everybody else says age 18 or whatever. Tom says age 6, and it's from this.

And then, yeah, were you making babies? 

I'll probably write a sequel to this at some point, something where he explains to his fellow classmates a very incorrect way that babies are made. ;)

Thank you!!

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