Date: 31 Jul 2020 18:23 Title: 10 - Agamemnon, 2372
Well... It sounded like a good idea at the time...
I like the fact that the 1st Offiicer's plan appears to have backfired. Provides verisimilitude. And both young officers in question definitely needed a lesson in self control. Count on Professor Volta to provide such lessons...
I like these kind of B (or even D) stories - especially when they go awry.
I also liked the link between Maya and Wesley. Puts the A/B story into context.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks. Clearly there is no easy answer to this, seemingly trivial, interpersonal conflict. And it isn't the only one aboard.
Date: 06 Dec 2019 07:46 Title: 10 - Agamemnon, 2372
It's always a sticky situation when you've got telepaths. I mean, it's absolutely important they have that code of ethics in place, but you almost have to take their word on it every time. Then again, if you can't trust your comrades in arms, who can you trust? Even so, I know I'd probably be paranoid, but considering the surveillance of this world we're in, it's also probably more warranted than it would be by that time.
It wasn’t as subtle as Betazoid empathy and while not exactly painful either, it made it difficult for Ullians to read somebody’s mind secretly. Well, that's good to know! Whew!
The callback to the Lexington is definitely a sweet moment. I smiled, for sure. I hope she finds something there that helps her with this unfair burden that's been put on her shoulders.
And now, oh gosh, poor Allenby. And oh, man, this is not the time for these two to be bickering! Guys! You're Starfleet, this isn't Red Dwarf. You can't get away with that kinda thing. LOL!
Of course, then it leads to bad things happening. I mean, they should have seen that coming, honestly. -shakes head- Well, at least it wasn't a fatal mistake, though poor Tess probably feels pretty awful and I bet DeSoto does, too.
Author's Response: You have to think that it must be hard being a telepath sometime. Here you are, having these kind of abilities and probably a constant temptation to glimpse into other people's head, but to build trust, not to mention to be a decent being, you gotta restrain yourself. I imagine their training and disciple is not unlike those of Vulcans, and they spend a lifetime working on controlling their powers.
As for the DeSoto and Allenby saga, I mostly blame DeSoto who clearly lacks maturity. Allenby, perhaps, is trying a tad too hard to present herself as his exact opposite, making her an inviting target.