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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2013 22:59 Title: The Mess

Poor Lili, I can imagine that was a shock and half for the poor lady meeting She Who Almost Didn’t Breed in Time in the kitchen, so she used the cast iron skillet and not the meat cleaver like she promised previously, still it did the job.

However her reaction to the shock of killing somebody seem believable and her obsessive need in the style of Lady Macbeth to clean the bugs stain off the skillet.

Then her shock that she killed somebody Mother, show that she is just a sous-chef and not a soldier, thou Chef Will joke about coming out of her Salary seem a bit misplaced to me. I can’t decide if he being a donkey on purpose or not.

Despite that one very minor miss-fired line for me, it was still an enjoyable read as always.

Author's Response:

He's definitely a donkey.

Will is, eh, he's often pretty insensitive. This behavior is a bit typical for him.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 06:59 Title: The Mess

Poor Lili, but really f-ing amazing job showing the post-battle shock and shakiness here. It's something that often gets ignored by even some of the best authors, and honest to God, even trained soldiers and police get shaky after a fight, especially a fire fight. So big kudos.

Author's Response:

Oh, I thank you!

And she is so not a killer. This does not define her.

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