Date: 30 Jul 2020 18:02 Title: 9 - Lexington, 2267
Excellent reacitons on the part of Commodore Wesley it's nice that going back and forth in time, that the older generation of Star Fleet isn't shown as operationally less capable than the current version.
There's a certain style to Original Series Trek (TOS) that comes through particuarly in Wesley. I get a really clear picture of him in my mind. Only for some reason I keep picture him wearing a blue uniform.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response: Thanks, and yeah, I definitely wanted to make this crew, particularly Wesley, come across as professional and very capable. It's a century before Donners and Agamemnon and they certainly didn't have the benefit of that accumulated knowledge, but that doesn't mean that they didn't know their stuff.
Date: 05 Dec 2019 21:25 Title: 9 - Lexington, 2267
Ketteract really is like a lamb to the slaughter sometimes, isn't he? LOL! And about to get a pissed off Russian bear on his ass. Thankfully Zha'Thara intercedes before that can happen. I appreciate her trying to urge him out of the seat, but I do like how she just slipped that knife -- “I am not a child anymore, Doctor, and I don’t share my toys.” -- right in. Made me laugh.
He kinda sticks his foot in it again telling her she wouldn't appreciate what he's found; she's definitely taking that better than I would!
Oh boy, I think we just stumbled across our lost civilization? Or-- displaced one, anyway? I'm reading on the edge of my seat again. XD I like that Wesley took the diplomacy route there; smart thinking, that. And then backed off to test the theory. This is some pretty fantastic stuff; it's like a great Trek mystery novel!
Author's Response: You can make the argument that Zha'thara shows remarkable restraint with Ketteract. I don't think she's telling him what she really things of him either. I'm a firm believer that a good Trek story needs a bit of mystery which is deepened here somewhat by the dual plot lines separated by a century. And yes, Wesley clearly is not Jim Kirk who regularly displayed a bravado which bordered on recklessness.
Date: 05 Jun 2012 09:47 Title: 9 - Lexington, 2267
Good idea on the part of Wesley to back off and analyze the larger picture here. No sense in getting your ship torn up before you’re even sure what it is you’re getting into.
Ketteract is being his typically annoying self, and seems highly proficient at making already tense or dangerous situations infinitely worse.
I don’t begrudge Wesley yanking Ketteract’s chain one whit… the insufferable ass surely has it coming.