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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 29 Jul 2020 16:13 Title: 6 - Lexington, 2267

I'm assuming the Lexington and crew are about to wipe some bug guts off their deflector screens...

Great comment about the seat belts - lots of people mentioned that oversight about Trek classic and the 2009 reboot included them. The bit aobut the Commodore peering into the viewer is an oft referenced Trek meme that probably has its genesis in Shatner's acting. All of these classic memes give the scene a classic Trek feel. 

I definitely have a mental image of both Wesley and Ketteract - largely from the actors who played Pike in the original premiere and the very familiar actor who was the scientist in the STNG episode about the nanites. 

Crisp. Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Glad the classic Trek feel continues to resonate so well. I should probably point out here that Commodore Wesley and the crew of the Lexington are the creation of my fellow United Trek writer David Falkayn ( Wesley did actually appear in the original series episode in which the Enterprise was taken over by a new computer designed by Richard Daystrom and was pitted against other Starfleet ships in a war game. One of those was the Lexington under Wesley.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2019 21:05 Title: 6 - Lexington, 2267

Ooof. I love the kinetic way you open this chapter. I could see Wesley poised, giving commands, and all but feel that shiver through the deckplates at deceleration. Excellent scene-setting there. AND SANDBANK! What a fantastic description! Because man, anyone who's ever been on a boat or even swimming knows exactly what that sudden drag feels like.

I also love that Wesley's intuition to slow down and raise deflectors was absolutely on the money, too. Like yes, man, listen to those instincts, the same kinds of which probably saved many a sailor back in the days of wood and canvas.

A tellerite as a Chief Engineer is inspired stuff, but I can also imagine that gets exhausting on occasion, too. XD And oh, man, the plot thickens. Loving this so far!

Author's Response: In the last chapter we saw a captain trying to get her bearings as a commander of a starship and in Wesley we really see the opposite, a man who is so completely in tune with his crew and his mission, he has developed instincts which border on the supernatural. Alas I cannot take credit for the ChEng or, in fact, any of the Lexington characters. They're creations of my talented fellow UT writer David Falkayn.

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