Date: 25 Sep 2013 01:18 Title: Time for tea
five minutes plus repair time with out tea is an eternity of suffering!
Enjoyable little story.
Date: 27 Aug 2013 11:27 Title: Time for tea
An eternity indeed. At least they didn't put onions on his bean burrito. :)
Date: 30 Apr 2012 23:47 Title: Time for tea
Don't think Captain Picard ever went this many rounds with a replicator to get his beloved brew.
This man is determined. Like Janeway, nothing comes between him and his beverage of choice. Tea. Earl Grey Hot.
Author's Response: Wilcox is a little stubborn at times, and often set in his ways. a bit like me, nothing comes between him and a earl grey tea. thanks for the feedback.
Date: 30 Apr 2012 20:49 Title: Time for tea
Captains and their tea! Good one! Thank God I don't drink tea or coffee so I will never have to suffer this!
Author's Response: I have to suffer this everytime my wife makes a cup of tea and I do love my cuppa. she stews it so much. thanks for the feedback.
Date: 30 Apr 2012 17:22 Title: Time for tea
I don't suppose he could threaten to not tip the replicator, eh? :)
Great, vivid story - wonderful economy of words.
Author's Response: I once had a chinese arrive three hours after ordering (despite phoning them a few times) the delivery man asked where his tip was. I told him when I ordered it and he said it was not his fault. thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it.