Date: 25 Sep 2013 01:16 Title: Cobbled Together by jespah
That good little story of the joy of been isolated in that catwalk and playing poker with the deserts, nice to see Reed been a gentlemen to Hoshi.
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you!
Date: 27 Aug 2013 11:26 Title: Cobbled Together by jespah
Nice. I like it. They had to pass the time somehow...
Author's Response:
Thank you! :)
Date: 23 Apr 2012 07:06 Title: Cobbled Together by jespah
This is a great little piece adding a little more to a great story.
Author's Response:
Thank you! I hope you'll find the time to add a little something, too.
Date: 18 Apr 2012 11:57 Title: Cobbled Together by jespah
Has it really come to this, broccoli for dessert? Enterprise is in trouble alright.
Mighty nice gesture at the end.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I wanted him to kind of give up his slender grasp on order in exchange for his unnatural lust for the artificial pineapple flavoring, but at the same time, do something kind.
Date: 17 Apr 2012 22:30 Title: Cobbled Together by jespah
Thank you - I wanted very much for him to have an unnatural lust for the artificial pineapple. :)
Date: 17 Apr 2012 22:10 Title: Cobbled Together by jespah
Oh wow. Love it jespah. I loved this episode of ENT and I can clearly picture this - as I so often do when you write an ENT scene. It seems like this were a cutting room floor edit. It should have happened this way. Hoshi and Reed screentime - with pineapple continuity. It has it all. Love it. It's a 'sweet' deal. Ok, bad pun.