Reviews For Star Trek Nightingale, universe information
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Apr 2012 20:13 Title: Saint Bernard Class Vessel
Author's Response: Thanks. The CnC was a last minute addition into the design last year, when I saw it was something that was missing in other designs and would suit the vessel's missions very well. Really appreciate the feedback.
Date: 17 Apr 2012 20:13 Title: Saint Bernard Class Vessel
I like the insight and idea behind the design. Especially the CnC area - it feels like it should have been part of the design all along. Even in a purely medical emergency situation it would be great to have an operations centre to conduct and plan the medical mission and relief. Cool ideas here David.
Author's Response: Thanks. The CnC was a last minute addition into the design last year, when I saw it was something that was missing in other designs and would suit the vessel's missions very well. Really appreciate the feedback.