Date: 04 Jun 2013 22:12 Title: Chapter 11
Okay, I may be reading it wrong, but screw Rick. You're tromping around my history chasing tail, you slimy son of a targ, and I hope you encounter someone in your travels who bites your nethers. Hard.
God, men. ::eyeroll::
The 2026 history is also fascinating, especially since we don't see a heck of a lot of it in canon. Heh. My son will graduate high school in 2025.
Author's Response:
Some of what I've got for 2026 shows up in the Multiverse II collab, or at least a variant of it. I suppose I couldn't resist adding it.
As for Rick ... yeah ... this is pre-enlightenment Rick. He is quite the jerk, to use a nice word.
Date: 02 Jun 2013 06:50 Title: Chapter 11
Whew, okay, now we’re getting into some ethical issues. First with Rick, who isn’t one to go mucking with the timeline to stop people from getting killed but is one to abandon his charge on the first night to hook up with a chick? That’s just irresponsible, Rick. She’s new, first time ever, and she’s getting throw to the wolves like that? I don’t see good things happening there. I sincerely hope she doesn’t get mixed up in something. As it stands she just ends up at a lame house party while Rick is hitting up a girl who like to Protest every now and then to hook up. Well, to each his own, but I hope he’s aware of what the consequences of leaving Bernstein alone could be.
Then we have Tom and Kevin. Kevin gives us a rather shocking and nasty portrayal of Earth at their time period and you did well describing things here. I was glad that you did, as that’s a very underwritten period in Trek’s history and one that I would like to explore, one day, if I get the time in writing. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they see here. I do like the dynamics between the two: Tom is really starting to endear himself to me.
Author's Response:
Oh, I'm glad. They are going to watch some nasty things. WWIII is not meant to be a picnic.
And yeah, Rick is really being irresponsible here. And he wonders why he's alone? He should know better, yes?
Date: 30 May 2013 13:20 Title: Chapter 11
You know Rick has a really really sad life if he feels the need to sleep with a woman every time he makes a temporal trip back to the past! Seriously! How is this guy still in the Temporal Integrity Commission if he can't keep his hands off the ladies? He oozes temporal contamination everywhere he travels to!