Reviews For ST: HERITAGE - Book One, A Break with Tradition
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2009 23:32 Title: Chapter Three - Part Four
Author's Response: Bill's real first love. *giggle* Deanna is the most unfortunate victim of Cassidy's duplicity. Really, she is. So hearing what happened to Beth was indeed a true stab in the heart. And you'll hear more about the reasons (and the who) behind Starfleet's cruelty on that one...
Date: 18 Nov 2009 23:32 Title: Chapter Three - Part Four
Aw, the little puppy moment was just so... Mind you it must have stabbed Deanna's heart to overhear what she did. And then poor Beth herself. The ordeal of the command tests and in particular that one with killing her family. That was incredibly cruel - I cna't believe Starfleet made her do that. Shocking.
Author's Response: Bill's real first love. *giggle* Deanna is the most unfortunate victim of Cassidy's duplicity. Really, she is. So hearing what happened to Beth was indeed a true stab in the heart. And you'll hear more about the reasons (and the who) behind Starfleet's cruelty on that one...