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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2013 21:19 Title: Voracious

How typical of Lili O’Day get on with doing the real work when everybody else is running back to their love ones and beds after the Xindi Attack, not doing their jobs.

I like how down to Earth you make the chef.
Then you give him a believable reason to seek someone else to cook for him and going on a published review to go to the Voracious makes sense to me. Plus you give him a realistic headache by needing him to change his past staff requirements and get one person who can do three people jobs. All of which seems believable to me.

I like how it just one of her excellent Harvest salads that get the Chef Will to meet her.

Then they both so down to earth, he has no problem helping her tidy up when the rest of her staff have gone home and then do the proper talk over cheesecake.

An excellent story all round.

Author's Response:

Aw, thanks! She's a chef so they get to bond over salad and cheesecake.

I wanted a very post-9/11 vibe. Even here in Boston, people felt weird for a while. I can't recall folks shirking their responsibilities although it wouldn't shock me. Lili doesn't have anyone to run home to, and others have to be fed, so she does what needs to be done and, in the meantime, fulfills Will's requirements perfectly.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 06:32 Title: Voracious

Haha! You poach that talent, Will. Another piece of nice atmospheric work, and also a fair bit of excellent serendipity. Well wrought and it made me smile.

Author's Response:

Lili had to fit the bill in a bunch of different ways in order to be hired. I also wanted her to kind of go into Starfleet as a "what the hell" kind of impulse, unlike so many other people we see who plan for it, seemingly, forever.

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