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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Sep 2013 23:30 Title: Onions

Well it nice to see Chef Will final try to improve his relationship with Lili but sadly he put his foot right in it.

Still Lili trying to hide the tears of her parents death behind chopping the onions and been unsure that she can confide the truth in chef Will seemed spot on.

Still it was nice to see the human side of the Chef come out, even if it’s only for Christmas and yet it does make sense that it be at the Holidays that she miss her parents the most.

Top draw story as always and you cover the revelation in a believable way without over lengthening the piece.

Author's Response:

Oh I thank you.

He definitely screws up a lot in their relationship. In the E2 stories, he ends up asking her out, and he is pretty bad at that, too. Things do not come easily between them - their first meeting (in Voracious) is a good one. After that, it's kinda downhill.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 07:02 Title: Onions

See, I think he did a fine job. She wasn't forthcoming and given how recently they had been in battle, it could have been anything that had her going. I hope they manage to get some closer.

Author's Response:

Her relationship with Will is a bit weird, and is often strained. He pretty goes after her in the E2 stories and she rebuffs him. Her excuse is that she can't see messing around with her boss, but the truth is, he's a pretty clumsy wooer, and she gets the impression (and ends up being right about that), that he's not interested in her at all; it's that he doesn't want to be alone.

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