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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Oct 2013 23:11 Title: Movie Night

So Malcolm can’t be with the one he wants outside of his dreams and yet he still prepare to look out for his pregnant friend, I felt the choice of avoiding blue was a good story idea and underline his words to Trip that despite apperance his relationship with Melissa isn’t serious it just a place holder for those he can’t be with.

I think that scene with Trip says a lot with it silences.

Still you get the best side of Reed out by shown by the fact that he stops he selves from nagging Melissa about her morning sickness or reaction to the fruit. You’ve made both of them believable and yes in those dark times it good to see the fun of their friendship.

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading! This was a little bit on fraternization, done as a WFW originally.

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