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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 06 Feb 2022 10:21 Title: Life is Choices

I like seeing phrases and memes repeated to effect. Here the repeat is right next to its predecessor with Ebnal. Making Sandhurst the classic reluctant hero - thrust into the center seat and accepting it from a standpoint of duty rather than ambition.

Too bad for him... He probably would have had a much happier (and longer) life living in Brussles. 

For some reason this scene is very familiar although I had not read it before. I think a lot of these sentiments and even part of the conversation might have been in one of the opening scenes of the series.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response:

Yes, this conversation was alluded to in the opening to Embers of the Fire, but I went back and fleshed it out into a short story of it's own.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Jan 2012 19:57 Title: Life is Choices

It really is mad, but as you say you have referred to this moment before in your stories that one almost imagined you actually had written and published it before. It reads almost exactly how I imagined it, but of course always with your excellent writing style Gibraltar. Like CeJay, it really almost feels like the readers are shouting at the computer screen saying, "NO, don't do it!"

However, it really illustrates how far Sandhurst has come. I think this is key to why your stories and series proves so popular. Your main character has such character growth from the very beginning but that growth has come at such great cost and through some very horrid lessons.

And as TLR said, despite the costs and the hard calls he has had to make, something about Donald's character, about his unfailing stick at it attitude and mettle to never give up, despite all the detractors, all the hard luck situations and all the tragedy and bad results, he stays the course, finishes the mission and sticks to what he believes is right. Yeah, this piece works to make a person very nostalgic about your stories. Good job.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much!  I'm pleased you enjoyed the story.

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Jan 2012 16:02 Title: Life is Choices

Terrific tale of that one fateful encounter that started it all. And yes, by all I mean a series of rather unfortunate events, mostly to do with death, destruction and general despair.

And a whole bunch of gripping adventures.

Author's Response:

Thanks, CeJay!  I'd like to think after all the crew (and Sandhurst) have been through, eventually they're going to catch a break.  Knowing their luck, though...  ;-)

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