Reviews For Fortune
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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 02:02 Title: Chapter 21

Oh, Q, you do have a heart. The war is not only affecting Janeway’s time but also all time (which makes so much sense considering the Q are pretty much immortal and can pop in/out of whatever time period they would like) and having smaller effects on this time period. Q threw the funnel thing around her house to protect the loved ones inside, to protect those she cares for, not to trap them. I’m hoping Malcolm and the gang don’t get out. If they do it could make things a lot messier.

We move onto Melisa being late for her own birthday party, unable to remember where the damned building is (been there, done that, hate that movie). She has a PADD but probably can’t/won’t remember how to use it and then she witnesses an accident. She doesn’t hesitate at all, she jumps into action. The revelation she had what old Picard had in “All Good Things” was a great reference. The family scene in the restaurant where they’re all wondering where she is and concerned is well done, capturing that tenseness, worry, and anger at the older relatives health deteriorating.

The point here Q makes is a good one, that not all actions will have good consequences, but it’s just more reason for him to procrastinate and second guess making a move. You’ll never know until you try Q, and even if you try there’s no guarantee of success … so go ahead and get on with it! Obsessing doesn’t help. Take it from a lowly human ;)

Author's Response:

Ha, very true!

This is what's drawing out the conflict, that Q is hesitating, and he's resisting all of the risks and uncertainties that go along with a leap of faith. And yes, Irumodic Syndrome. They weren't going to all go through old age unscathed.

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