Reviews For Fortune
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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Jun 2013 01:50 Title: Chapter 20

It was good to get back to the kids and Malcolm and them. They seem to be stuck in this funnel thing without the notice of anyone else and Malcolm has set his mind, his vast tactical skills, to figuring out how this thing works and how to get out of it. I’m not entirely sure how they’re going to do that (or if it’s even possible, let’s be honest) but whatever the case, I like the fact they’re not sitting there twiddling their thumbs anymore. They are taking action, they are going to make a play and that play may free them. Maybe.

Back with Q, Lili is imparting a big lesson here and that’s one of trust. Q claims to know everything but even he is forced to admit he doesn’t know EVERYTHING and he has to learn how to make a leap of faith. Asking Lady Q (or Joy) to mate with him is a scary prospect for the Q man. I mean, what if she says no? What then? It’s the question that I myself struggle with often … if you commit to one action and it doesn’t turn out as you hope or even as you predict, then what? How do you move on from that?

This story is really giving a lot more depth to “The Q and The Grey” and it’s good that it is, as that episode was pretty fast paced and should have really had a bit more explanation on how Qs though processes work.  

Author's Response:

Fall. Step into space, and fall. And Q doesn't want to admit it, but that scares the pants off him - and off all the Q.

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