Reviews For Fortune
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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2013 22:50 Title: Chapter 10

Ah, you continue to brilliantly weave in the episodes here. Now we see Q trying all the things Lili is suggesting (proving that he can be in two places at once) and we have him trying his damnest to win Kathryn Janeway’s heart. Unfortunately, Q lacks patience and isn’t content to sit around and wait for things to run their course as far as the conversation is concerned. He’s going to go and do things.

Reminds me of Doug and, speaking of him, he and Malcolm return and dish on what’s going on out there. Norri giving Malcolm a lesson in how not to show kids things they don’t need was good of her, considering Malcolm knows little about children and how to keep some things from them. He seems of the mind that there’s really no point in hiding things from them but, Malcolm, as you’re discover some things kids just don’t need to know.

Back to the very well played out conversation between Q and Lili about hooking up and how love isn’t necessarily required but definitely makes things better. Deeper. Q is pretty sure that he just needs to properly impress Janeway enough to get in bed with him but Lili’s right, there has to be some mutual interest there.

One more thing I’d like to add I forgot to last chapter: Travis and Phlox and their conversation about children, about the consequences children must face. Phlox is right to point out that kids don’t ask to be born and shouldn’t be seen as being “trouble” or causing any sort of harm. Travis’ situation with Jennifer nicely parallels what happened with Doug and Melisa down the line: both couple had relations, both were gifted children that ultimately didn’t make it because of circumstances out of their control (I’m giving Jennifer the benefit of the doubt here). That was well done in my view.  

Author's Response:

Thank you - I wanted all points of view to be present here. You stay together. You don't. You keep things going. They go. They don't. And on and on.

Yes, Q acts a bit like Doug here - the doer, not the talker. But Q can't just swoop in, and he kinda knows that, too. After all, if he didn't think that, he wouldn't be asking for advice, or trying to court Kathryn. He would have already moved on.

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