Date: 01 Jun 2013 22:04 Title: Chapter 7
AHHHHHH, It’s Q! Oh, I do love a good Q story and here we are, embarking an adventure that just begs for Q. He’s up to his usual tricks, popping in a captain’s uniform, and making people nervous with his powers. You’ve got his “I’m annoyed but totally curious about some things” tone down and you did nicely weaving this together with “The Q and the Grey”. Having Q come here asking Lili about love and all the romantic dynamics that are going on in her life is cool idea. I mean, if you’re gonna ask anyone about love then why not ask the woman who’s loved by two men, shares her husband with another woman and her wife … it’s a intricate, confusing thing even for a Q it seems.
Back at the house, we see people getting tense and nervous, particularly Doug who’s antsy behavior might send Melissa into labor or cause a panic with the children. Malcolm’s right to point out that Doug needs to take his own advice and just chill … after all, if starts breaking down the who exactly is gonna be there to help keep things together? Malcolm’s capable in battle situations but this is not a battle.
And who is Kevin and what poor child of his dies soon? This has dark, ominous Q all over it.
Author's Response:
Yes, indeed. And .. Kevin .. next chapter.