Date: 02 Apr 2022 11:48 Title: Chapter Nine
Far better than killing him - Galmesh has to live with the dishonor of being captured alive. And we get a duel...
I suspect Lar'ragos will manage to get his pound of flesh somehow. Quite an interesting confrontation between Lar'ragos and Sandhurst - shows how much of a rift has developed.
I was expecting Galmesh to meet a sticky fate - but a fate worse than death is even better as a story device...
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 29 Dec 2011 07:31 Title: Chapter Nine
OK, Pava clearly is in a bad place right now. I mean ... worse place. Never knew the guy had a death wish, but seeing what he's been through, here, and generally, I can understand.
And while I was never Ariel's greatest fan, I'm sorry to see her go out like this. The only consolation is that this happens years after her Farragut adventures and therefore, hopefully, we get to see her pop up again.
When are people gonna learn? When you want to live, stay far, far away from Gibraltar and her crew. Unless your name is Pava Lar'ragos. He's pretty much screwed either way.
Author's Response:
Pava's in a bad place, yes, but then again he has been for a while now. He's at a turning point, but which direction will he choose to go?
Thaniks for the review!