Reviews For Fortune
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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2013 21:29 Title: Chapter 5

Well, that certainly got interesting! I didn’t realize that Doug and Lili had met through the dreamlike state across universes! Wow, that’s a powerful (and kinda scary) realization that you can reach across entire universes to the other side to meet other people. Here, Lili is contacted by the alternate Chip Masterson, who is in a bad way himself it seems. On the run from the Empress and hiding out in caves with two very pregnant ladies, Chip’s in need of some serious help. Here’s Lili, to the rescue, ready and willing to do what is needed to help out.

I don’t know for sure how it’s going to work out on that front. I hope that the mirror docs are nice and don’t make Chip’s life a pain in the ass when they get to him but there’s no guarantee of that. But Lili goes and gets help and she does so all while knocked out and in surgery. That’s impressive.

But back to her and the surgery, it seems she gave her last child to Malcolm there and won’t need to get her tubes tied afterall. Good that nature has prevented more surgery for her and hopefully she’ll let Malcolm know. I kinda think he took it a bit personally when he heard about the scan but he’s just feeling a bit left out as he wants to be married to her so badly but can’t. This is as close as he can get but sometimes second place feels like dead last.

Author's Response:

Yes - and second place is a very, very tough role for him. That is the thing that burns amidst all of this.

The universes - they intertwine there. The idea I had was - for real - the Earth's crust is varying thicknesses. Around Fiji, if I recall correctly, it's at its thinnest point. I don't know why. The line of reasoning was - why not have a place where the septum between the two universes is at its thinnest? Then add in a race of beings who are psionically gifted and boom - you've got the Calafans and their dream states and their meetings. Calafans are meeting mirror people all the time, and call them the night people. To them, this is all the very definition of normal.

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