Date: 01 Jun 2013 21:16 Title: Chapter 4
Well, so comes the big day and man, Malcolm was nervous and frankly, so was I. I don’t have much experience in these situations. I remember being the kid I these situations, the one who had to stay behind and be baby sat or do the baby sitting for my younger siblings. Oldest of four and all, what happens after the mom and dad get into the car and head off to the hospital is all a mystery to me.
So, seeing it played out here def had me wide eyed. What exactly goes on in this situation? I don’t know. I’ve heard what happens from friends who have been through this but experiencing it through Malcolm’s new eyes really helped drive home the point that this was a nerve wrecking type of thing. The birth of young Declan, the big moment where Lili introduces and explains all the intricate little relationships that are going on between the group is well done. There was potential for it to get confusing but you kept it nice and straight.
Malcolm’s simultaneous reaction of joy, shock, and a bit of sadness (at Lili getting her tubes tied, oh, poor Malcolm) really hit me. He has his family, he has his one son, but he’s not going to be there all the time and the way he has to explain that to the young baby (redundant? Ah, sounds fine to me) is bittersweet. I want Malcolm to stay. I want him to stay on there and serve there, for his duty is there now. But he may not … I hope he doesn’t fall into the Starfleet officer trap where he shirks family for duty. Be there for that kid, Malcolm, he’s going to need you and he’s going to look up to you whether you’re there or not. So why not be there?
Author's Response:
Malcolm needs Doug, BIG time. And that's not easy to admit.