Reviews For Ship of the Dead
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10 Jul 2020 02:45 Title: Part 5

Nice creepy ending... nosebleeds are always bad news in a zombie story. And a little of the man in black to finish it off.

This was a particularly fun read. Lots of classic zombie tropes neatly polished - I might be able to talk the wife into reading this one. She's a huge zombie story fan.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Can't have a zombie story with an ominous ending. Glad you enjoyed it and if the wife ever gets a chance to read it, make sure to ask her what she thought of it. It's always interesting to get a non-Trek perspective.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 17:58 Title: Part 5

Oh! A well-done and utterly creeptastic ending.

Of course that had to happen! Of course!

Yet you surprised me all the same.

I will not recap it in this review, to keep the shocker for new readers.

But kudos! Sound the trumpets! This was truly terrific. Loved it.

Author's Response: Thanks, really glad you enjoyed it. As you can tell I didn't try to reinvent the wheel with the this story. Instead I really wanted bring Star Trek and the ever more popular zombie genre together, genre conventions, tropes and all. The open ending allow for plenty of interpretation but deep down, I think we all know what happens next ... they'll get married and have a lot of beautiful children together ...

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 05:12 Title: Part 5

Oh, come on! You can't kill them after they survived all of that! But seriously, this was an excellent story. Entertaining, filled with awesome action scenes, suspenseful and tense and a real metaphorical page turner. Very well done and thank you for writing it!

Author's Response: Well there were two guys who were still breathing at the end ... kind of. So, you know, you never know. Of course we won't truly know until "Ship of the Dead 2: Klingon Z" in which the entire Klingon Empire will have to fight off endless zombie hordes ... Really glad you enjoyed this. It was of course always only a matter of time until somebody wrote a Star Trek zombie story.

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