Date: 28 May 2013 11:30 Title: Chapter 11
As I expected Hank has been slapped hard on the face with a big amount of reality. I knew he was outwardly overconfident and too informal, and that's where his strategy with the crew is going to backfire. The captain should be the backbone of ship's morale but now that the crew have realised that Hank is more emotional, well they're going to feel his mood to and now his uncertainty is starting to waft around as this cold breeze and that is bad form for a captain.
Date: 31 Jul 2010 03:18 Title: Chapter 11
Great chapter. Wonderful dynamic between Tony and Leo, very real. Sometimes funny, sometimes biting, but always a good read. And oh, yeah, Parks? "Captain's Property." All. Over. Her. Your friend is wise. Of course, that's the shipper in me talking. Loved the descriptions of the flight sim here. Actually, loved everything about this chapter.
Date: 23 Apr 2009 23:03 Title: Chapter 11
Great dynamics with Leo and Tony and they have differing approaches to their fields of interest and skill sets. Tony is the definition of a flyboy though, that much is for sure.
Date: 01 Apr 2009 17:19 Title: Chapter 11
Slower than most of them, but still with its highlights. The holodeck simulation was interesting, and Tony's kind of a likable fellow, if not a bit of a mild jerk (not everyone can be nice!) But the notion that you can't redo a battle's a good one.