Reviews For Ship of the Dead
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 10 Jul 2020 02:33 Title: Part 4

Yep... I knew an infected klingon beamed himself onto the runabout. Nice foreshadowing. One picky detail.. klingon blood is the color of pepto bismal. I'm not certain they didn't simply photograph some of the stff for Star Trek VI.

Nice chapter length and breakpoints, leaving a cliffhanger on each page.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: I think they may have changed the color of Klingon blood a few times. I actually hadn't even remembered the oddly-colored blood in that movie which was clearly done so it didn't seem too gruesome and the movie could still be considered somewhat family-friendly.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 17:50 Title: Part 4

Well, of course the guy who was able to run the transporter earlier took a nice little trip to the Nebuchadnezzar.

Great name, by the way, evocative of the Book of Daniel.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 05:01 Title: Part 4

Nice. It was the one who beamed out! I suspected that, but then you threw me off the trail. These poor kids, they leave one kind of hell for another. I hope at least they survive, but I don't know if they will, all given. But thus far, this is an absolutely rockin' zombie story, and I am loving every word.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2011 22:17 Title: Part 4

That beginning definitely caught me by surprise; I would never have thought a zombie could actually have a point of view, but there we go.

Something tells me these young "cadets" (I know they're not cadets, but they sure are green) are either going to come back drastically different than how they were before, or they aren't going to make it back at all.

And now we see another one of the zombies (B'Nera) show a little bit of personality--B'Nera.  I wonder if it's a red herring that that scene reminded me a bit of that part in First Contact where Picard shot Ensign Lynch before he could be fully assimilated. 

This is an extremely gruesome tale.  At least for me, since this is Trek, this zombie plague needs an explanation and I hope we can get to work at some point finding one.  That said, I'm not sure how or if that will happen, if this dysfunctional team implodes before they can get back to the ship.  And I'm going to mention the "Q" word again...if they fail to implement a quarantine, there is going to be some serious hell to pay aboard the Nebuchadrezzar.

Author's Response: Gruesome tale? Check. Dysfunctional Starfleet officers? Check. Explanations? Uhm ... we'll see. But somebody will be thinking about a quarantine here sooner or later. Promise.

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