Reviews For Ship of the Dead
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Jul 2020 18:49 Title: Part 3

Yeah, that arm needs to come off... Klingon Zombies!! Nice call out to klingon mythology and a good body count getting started...

The only good thing about a zombie attack on a klingon ship - plenty of bladed weapons about for removing zombie heads. The bad thing? Klingons have really thick skulls and spinal columns....

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: Yeah, this isn't quite the Walking Dead. I always wondered how easy it seems on that show to kill a zombie. Their skulls and bones seem brittle enough that you could take them out with a plastic spork. It won't be quite that easy for these guys.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 17:20 Title: Part 3

Ooooh and Gradkowski's now got issues.

This is reminiscent of the Alien movie (the first one), as the most physically powerful person is often one of the first ones taken out. This amps up the tension in a big way, and gives the reader (or audience) something to truly worry about. When the little and weak and annoying are cut down, it is a lot less of an issue. But when the big rational guy goes, it turns into every person for him or herself.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 04:44 Title: Part 3

Oh. Oh, this is good. And horrible. And awesome. Another one down, and the chances of them finding a cure and surviving are practically nil. It is so decidedly creepy. Sorry, my review is a bit incoherent, but you have me on the edge of my seat.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2011 02:15 Title: Part 3

Yep...definitely a zombie story.  And now they're at risk of taking the infection back to the Nebuchadrezzar, considering that someone got bitten here.  I can't believe that nobody has brought up quarantine, which seems to me should be the procedure in a situation like that.  I wonder if this is already getting to Jiang's mind, given that she as the medic ought to be the one thinking of quarantine first.  Whether that's aboard the Klingon ship or the runabout, she definitely can't be allowed aboard a larger ship like that.  For that matter, nor should anyone else on that team (though I would separate her from the rest with a forcefield).

I'll be interested in seeing what the 24th century explanation of a zombie plague is.  Nanites?

Author's Response: Yeah, quarantine sounds like a good idea, don't it? And I'm sure the likes of Sisko and Picard would have thought of that straight away. Not these guys though, especially not while fighting for life and limb while being pursued by an entire crew of undead Klingons trying to eat them alive. Don't know about you but my first priority would be to get the hell away from the zombies. Let's figure out everything else after.

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