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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Oct 2013 19:05 Title: Chapter 1

Only poor Hank could achieve going from a pleasant drink with his crew to finding an admiral waiting in his quarters with a new briefing and the challenge of a frontline command.

Good to see Hank and the Admiral Jennings have their own strange working relationship, while I do find hard to believe anyone would turn down the opportunity to command a front line ship and yet you give Hank realistic reasons to be reluctance to leave his science ship and crew for the potential bigger things.

However please to see Hank reaction to getting the command was to go and get some shut-eye so he ready for tomorrow briefing.

Good opening scene for the series.

Reviewer: CaptainSarine Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2013 17:31 Title: Chapter 1

An interesting beginning you have here trekfan. An... unconventional Captain to say the least! :)

Harrison seems like a man with a past, someone who has been catalogued, categorised and put out to pasture by the brass, only to be given an extra chance here with this mission. Makes me wonder how much he is being set up for a fall? And what exactly happened a few months before for him to suddenly be back on Starfleet's radar?

I liked the interplay between him and the Admiral, especially the way you continually referred back to how bad Harrison was feeling. Must be difficult to have such an important conversation while dealing with a throbbing headache! Nice to see that Harrison has at least one person on his side.

I look forward to seeing what ship he is assigned and who he brings together as part of his command staff.


Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 May 2013 01:18 Title: Chapter 1

A great start to your story! Though I thought it was a little pervy of the admiral when he first introduced himself to Hank, I got a few creepy vibes at first. But you have really explained what sort of captain Hank is and he seems to have the potential, if only he could be bothered to use it and see it within himself (which he kind of has since he put in that transfer request).

I liked that bit with the admiral saying that Hank was at the bottom of the unofficial list, so the admiral is going around and the best captains don't want this transfer, then this could be one rough command for Hank. Though at least he gets to retain a few of his friends from his current ship or posting.

So, a great start to this story!

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Feb 2010 02:51 Title: Chapter 1

A murder mystery!  Interesting start.

I really loved these lines:

Hank could see that he didn’t like giving out unpleasant answers, which made him wonder how he ever made it to the rank of admiral in the first place. In Starfleet, there is always an unpleasant answer to give. 

How true.

“Nothing,” Hank said as he got up and moved closer to the admiral, “I’d be doing absolutely nothing! There’s not a damn thing out there on the front lines to do anymore, and you know it. Space isn’t about the unknown anymore; it’s all about patrolling this, transporting that.” He grew quieter. “There’s nothing out there left to explore.”

I can see why he would feel that way.  Space is so huge, but after a while, the technology holds you in a stagnant place if you can't make a breakthrough to go further than before.  I can see why Enterprise-D-era people might feel like there was nothing left of the frontier and everything was politics.

Sounds like Hank is a bit of a dedicated drinker ... hopfully that won't be a problem for him.

Author's Response:

Yes, Chaper was filled with rather memorable lines.


Hank himself isn't much of a drinker...actually since he was in dock he figured what the hey. Glad you liked.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2009 22:16 Title: Chapter 1

Oh darn! Well actually, glad I haven't twigged it but still delighted that i was thinking on the same lines you had. Oh that's scary. But you know what they say about great minds, sometimes a fool like me happens to blunder acrossa  similar thought to one of theirs. Hee hee. I guess I may keep on reading.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Feb 2009 05:58 Title: Chapter 1

Benjamin Maxwell out of prison?

And doing THIS?

:adopts best Cardassian voice: "This is why we Cardassians believe justice should be FINAL."

And let's hope it WILL be, and that your captain will find himself equal to the task!

I imagine Hank will also have to take great pains to keep this quiet; if the word gets out about this lunatic being able to commit his killings again, that could well touch off another war that neither side needs.

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Feb 2009 12:47 Title: Chapter 1

LOL! This is an intriguing beginning! A willing but unwilling captain... Fresh Cardassian bodies and an assignment which no one else wants -- that screams fun. ;-) As great a teaser as they come. ;-)

Author's Response:

Much thanks Anna. The story only gets more fun from here.

Reviewer: Terilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Feb 2009 22:25 Title: Chapter 1

I love the Pearl and it will be fun to start all over again with her trekfan!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Feb 2009 00:48 Title: Chapter 1

SLWatson's review sold me on this - for some reason trust her opinion. But having read these first few installments I have to say I am intrigued and will keep following this story.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 31 Jan 2009 05:49 Title: Chapter 1

This story kicks off the saga of perhaps one of the most engaging original crews ever. This storyline in general is a good mix between hope and grit, walking the fine line that is hard to do well... and trekfan does it very well. The very essence of Trek, and maybe the first all original cast I've ever fallen in love with. The Pearl's crew are people you can and will love.

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