Date: 16 Aug 2021 20:55 Title: The Plebe
I'm a big fan of the ultra-short story format. I consider them to be a hallmark of good writing - to be able to put a lot of heart into a small number of words - in this case with a favorite character from STNG/STV. I can definitely hear Ray Walston's voice in that dialogue.
Brevity. Focus.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
I'm pleased you enjoyed it! It was both fun and cathartic to write.
Date: 13 Jun 2009 18:28 Title: The Plebe
Very nice read. The bajoran hitman turned inspector was a nice touch.
Author's Response:
Thanks! He's a character I hope to writing more about before too long.

Date: 13 May 2009 17:57 Title: The Plebe
I know I read The Plebe on another site, but just had to re-read it and give my kudos! I'm looking forward to learning more about Liana's history...
Date: 11 May 2009 06:10 Title: The Plebe
I really liked this one--especially the chance to see what it might be like for someone raised in a non-planetary environment to be out in nature (even if it's just Boothby's garden) for the first time in her life.
Date: 27 Feb 2009 21:57 Title: The Plebe
Yes, I'd like to see a few more too. This was such a cool and off-beat read, I want more and I'm self-centered enough to demand it! LOL.
Date: 27 Feb 2009 03:57 Title: The Plebe
I really liked this the first time I read it, and I still do; not only for the homage to Boothby, but also for the atmosphere you instill into the story, right from the beginning. Top rate stuff, Sam! Looking forward to seeing more of these little history pieces.