Reviews For Ship of the Dead
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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07 Jul 2020 20:03 Title: Part 1

A risian character... interesting.. Good start and alwyas creepy for junior officers to encounter klingons for the first time. 

Isn't there a ferengi aphorism about a klingon in need?

Nice character descriptions and only mildly disfunctional characters.

Thanks!! rbs

Author's Response: The beauty of writing junior officers is that you can get away with them behaving in ways that more experienced officers wouldn't. And that, of course, will inevitably lead to trouble.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 16:51 Title: Part 1

Our semi-larky adventure is about to get difficult, I am thinking. 

I love your mixed crew (a lot of people don't do this) and how they aren't too terribly serious. Nowadays, there is joking around in all sorts of areas. Fighter pilots joke and compete. Doctors in ERs crack wise. Lawyers regale each other with gallows humor pretty constantly. No reason why, when there isn't a genuine issue or emergency, for Starfleet personnel to not do the same.

Author's Response: Oh yeah, absolutely agree. Especially during space travel. I mean, space is big, right? And people are not just sitting at their stations for hours on end staring at their instruments. They talk, they goof off, they flirt. Doesn't help that these are, essentially young kids being let lose on an unsuspecting universe. Or rather, the other way around.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Aug 2013 00:07 Title: Part 1

Given the title, I can only imagine where this will go. Oh, boy! I love the banter early on. Torain's kind of in over his head, and his crew kind of knows it, and everyone is well aware of the fact that they're a bunch of puppies on a mission. It's an excellent set up, I have to admit. Not surprisingly, I fear for their lives, and I'm not sure that bantering spirit will be an asset in a situation which may be coming up.

Author's Response: Oh yeah, these guys are in over their head as we are soon going to find out. Thanks for the review.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Dec 2011 01:57 Title: Part 1

Wow...even though these are junior officers, the first thing I am struck by is what seems to me like a total lack of military discipline.  The banter is certainly interesting to read--but I am not sure how much the Klingons are going to respect a crew that is so obviously busy squabbling amongst themselves and in my opinion, not taking the situation seriously.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and the review! You are absolutely right, this is no crack Starfleet team, is it? One thing that appeals to me when writing for Lower Deck Tales is that the characters are much more flawed and inexperienced than your regular Starfleet protagonists. These guys make mistakes and misjudgments when faced with a situation they are not trained for. Let chaos ensue.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Nov 2011 12:16 Title: Part 1

As I said on TrekBBS, this is a very welcome return CeJay. I was thrilled to see you return to writing more Eagle stories and especially so with this adventure being another of your Lower Deck tales. I always enjoy your lower deck stories and to be honest I sometimes feel you enjoy the freedom of them more yourself because you go off on great tangents, experiment with the characters and settings and generally give us lots of new characters who if they make it out alive might make onto the Big Screen stories - LOL. Good stuff.

As I said, you packed a lot into a small chapter. You did a terrific job of introducing new characters and putting them all on one tiny craft makes it a perfect setting to explore very quickly the relationships and characteristics of them all. We got a lot of stuff on the character interactions that settles us into the glut of new characters and sets up an interesting premise as to how they will continue to relate and work together in a crisis situation.

I definitely want to see how Jorain and the others measure up when faced with an emergency situation. It was great how Jorain viewed himself as a 'Captain' and even made a captain's log. LOL! I love that trait in him. Reality and the school of life will maybe ut dampners on just how much he will want to covet a commanding role in the future.

Especially given that it won't be a straight forward situation either - what with a name like Ship of the Dead and blood dripping title ... call me physic but I think there may be something up! The mystery remains now as to just what is happening. Super stuff.

Author's Response: Thanks for the great review, Miranda Fave. This is really less of a mystery than an old fashioned horror inspired romp, I suppose. And it's good to see that you enjoy these characters. I don't think this story would work as well if you couldn't connect with the protagonists.

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Oct 2011 08:04 Title: Part 1

This means trouble, doesn't it? While I have no idea why Klingons need help, I'm certain it wouldn't be just another Samaritan mission. Our officers and their 'captain' are just about to face something very Helloweenish.

BTW, I'm "impressed" by how many times you managed to misspell Gradkowski's surname--and each time differently. Polish consonant clusters aren't easy, are they? ;)

Looking forward to more...and seems like there is more at TrekBBS already :)

Author's Response: LOL. Sorry about Gradkowski. Funny enough I got confused with all me character's names but for some reason, that one, is the one I didn't think of double checking. I'll make sure to fix that.

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