Date: 29 Aug 2011 22:40 Title: The Opening Move
Bum bum BUMMMM!!! Romulans!!
Date: 29 Aug 2011 13:49 Title: The Opening Move
So far so good!!! It will be an interesting story because we some very different writing styles coming together, which I think, will lead combine to make a unique story!
Date: 29 Aug 2011 03:48 Title: The Opening Move
I really love the way this story is shaping up, great start Mick.
Date: 28 Aug 2011 21:51 Title: The Opening Move
I like it, slick, humorous (at times) and to the point. I'm not that well versed in the TOS series, but I like this. It introduces newcomers to TOS with ease.
A few punctuation mistakes, but that's fully understandable giving the speed with which this chapter was written up. Finally I would also like to know who the author was to this chapter?
Keep churning out the chapters, and as the Vulcans say 'live long and prosper'
Author's Response: Yes, I just noticed that and MICK's name has been added specifically to Chapter one...and wow I liked it very much!!!