Reviews For Reversal
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Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 14:43 Title: Chapter 35

They have plans, they are happy, they are in love.


This was an interesting story. The plot was absorbing, a lot of mysteries on the way to seek solutions and to keep me reading.

The Calafans are quite intriguing with their physiology and differences between regular universe and MU. It's interesting how their plot finally interlaced with Lili's plot to finally become an integral whole.

There was too much sex for my taste, though. It's not what I'm looking for in a Star Trek story.

Quite a good idea with adding some photos. A chance to see the "the world" through Lili's eyes ;)

Summing up--I liked it :)

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

What I wanted for the characters is that this is a second chance for both of them. They reverse themselves and become new people, and love is what brings them there. The photos were to show what Lili sees, and also to show Doug (mostly) out of uniform, how he is changing and softening as a person. The scales fall from the reader's eyes as well.

I do make an effort to not be gratuitious with the sex scenes (I realize that part is not for everyone). I definitely don't want it to seem like PWP - what they are doing, how they are behaving and how they are reacting to each other is a part of them growing as individuals and as a couple. It's also meant to be a progression, from an anonymous coupling in the dark to them being solicitous of each other, and even a little scared.

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