Reviews For Reversal
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Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Dec 2011 13:16 Title: Chapter 30

I totally, wholeheartedly would like to declare that what Lili wanted to do was totally, utterly stupid. Seriously? To deform and "rebuild" her own body to just have some sex? Seriously? And Phlox--a physician--agreeing to do such a thing?

A relationship is so much more than just sex and intimacy is so much more than an intercourse. Blind desire makes her (and him) risk her health, because I don't believe that such drastic surgery wouldn't have any repercussions. This is SO unnecessary.

Author's Response:

Part of what's going on is that the whole thing is so new. If they had already been together for years, she probably wouldn't be entertaining it, or at least would have thought it over a lot more. But it is also - if not her, someone else will need this. And she is also mindful of the fact that, to be with Doug, it wouldn't be easy for either of them if the physical aspect of their relationship was just, suddenly, switched off for good.

For Doug, it also gives him a chance to offer up himself, a thing he never would have done in the MU.

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