Date: 16 Jan 2012 01:21 Title: Chapter 27
You know why do I get the feeling that something is going to go tragically wrong? Why do I get the feeling that Doug is going to die, or that it is not happily ever after for Lili and Doug? I sense something really ominous, and this is a sign of an excellant story, because I've never had such a feeling when reading fan fic on this site until now. You're story is emotionally teasing me and I like it!
Author's Response:
Ha, thanks!
Date: 06 Dec 2011 13:24 Title: Chapter 27
Why was Lili bleeding? Strange...I smell trouble.
Everything else seems so...normal. A calm before the storm?
Calafans still have some unfinished business. I wonder, why one side Calafans are silver and the other side ruddy?
Author's Response:
The blood is definitely a bad omen.
The little discussion, too, about their childhoods - Doug is explaining how much the MU is like Sparta, where parents gave their children over to be cannon fodder for the state.
Calafans - silver for our side, ruddy/copper for the MU - but they didn't start off that way (their evolutionary divergence is explained in the Temper story).