Date: 05 Dec 2011 11:07 Title: Chapter 23
So, there is hope and a chance that Doug can move into the other universe.
It's interesting that when Doug and Lili both sleep, they meet in some "other" place and have full power over their surroundings. But when one of them sleeps and the other not, the sleeper enters the other one's reality. It's like they either meet between the worlds, half-way between the universes, or travel to the end of the line to end up in the parallel universe.
Author's Response:
The shared dream state works imperfectly in humans because we really aren't wired for it, unlike the Calafans. So, yes, when they both hit REM sleep (and they lay on top of a bit of amplifying material, which is what the coin represents), they join together synchronously and have full control and full knowledge. But when one is in REM and the other is not, they can witness the other's doings but not influence them or communicate. They are just silent, invisible observers.