Reviews For Reversal
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Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2011 08:53 Title: Chapter 11

Oh, Tucker, it is very much like transporting LOL

Ugh, teaching a child cruelty from early age, eh?

That switching knife thing is very American ;) Europeans don't do that. I think the first time I heard about that switching was on some forum, merely a few months ago LOL

The date didn't go as planned. Lily not really interested ad Aidan interested in the wrong girl.

Author's Response:

Ha, well, not exactly like transporting ....

Yeah, Jun, he is meant to be the World's Brattiest Child. Plus he's nasty of course.

The knife switching for eating - I know that forks are a relatively recent invention in terms of cutlery. Of course not everyone would use the same things.

And, the World's Most Disastrous Date. Aidan fancies himself a bit of player on our side, too.

Reviewer: BorgDominant Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Jul 2011 16:21 Title: Chapter 11

PIns and Needles. I'm really enjoying the suspense and build up. Write faster please. Haha just kidding, but not really.
I really like this story.

Author's Response:

Ha, that made me laugh!

I have reams and reams (well, electronic reams) .... Be careful what you wish for ....

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