Date: 19 Jun 2013 21:13 Title: Chapter One - Part Three
Ah, the family reunion! I really liked how Beth blocks her mother's voice out of her own head. It is a bit reminiscent of Deanna and Lwaxana, and it makes the reader wonder - is Deanna, in some ways, turning into her mother?
Date: 16 Nov 2009 19:56 Title: Chapter One - Part Three
Crikey, Beth almost seems to have handpicked her crew to please her mum and dad. Quite a lot of connections here but I don't think it stretches credibility just yet. I guess considering their long and illustrous career that Deanna and Will would have made a long line of connections. What I was particularly impressed by is the gratitude given and the acknowledgement given of Deanna and Will's impact and legacy in the History of Romulus. And that sentence is way loonger than I ever intended it to be. But very effective and very, very good.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 13:44 Title: Chapter One - Part Three
Another fantastic section - the relationship between Beth and her parents is really well written and I love the emotions you concocted with that memory of the shuttle flight.
Ghosts?! Wow, that sounds interesting. As Riker says: Shentaria. Thraiin. Ghosts and now the Borg. That's a hell of a lot for one ship! :)