Reviews For ST Restoration Volume III - Onyx
Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 May 2013 17:14 Title: Chapter 20
Date: 15 May 2013 17:14 Title: Chapter 20
Whoa. Things are getting majorly serious now. Kane has come up with a Borg solution all right and this one has VOY written all over it: nanoprobes vs. bio tech. Species 8472 would like to have a word with you.
The plan is radical and smacks of desperation, but that's exactly the situation the ships finds itself in. Well done timing it right so as not to seem too convenient. The space battle was again a nice highly of the chapter, well described and easy to visualize.
The interplay between Prin, Kane, and Ianto was also a highlight. I half suspected that Kane's scheme was going to involve the fighters (putting Turner at risk) but I'm glad to see that, at least for now, I was wrong.