Date: 19 Jun 2013 20:55 Title: Chapter One - Part Two
The surprise is lovely, but I do have my doubts that the captaincy of the flagship would not be the subject of a news story. I think the Rikers would have learned, somehow, that Beth was in command.
Date: 10 Oct 2011 10:33 Title: Chapter One - Part Two
Now, that a surprise! I guess Riker and Deanna couldn't get a better gift than they daughter commanding the Enterprise and at such a young age at that!
But it seems her surprise plan was quite a gamble. Riker was seriously angered by slack in following the protocol and I'm sure anyone else--if their even dared to do something like this--would be in serious trouble. I'm not certain if Beth isn't, after the first shock of surprise passes.
Author's Response: Now you know they went to Ba'ku! Riker would have flattened anyone else, but Beth knows she can get away with a lot when it comes to her father. And you're right, I don't think anyone else would have dared...
Date: 16 Nov 2009 18:54 Title: Chapter One - Part Two
Dear oh dear, pulling a surprise like that maybe seemed like a good idea in the beginning, but Riker's reaction to it was probably not what Beth anticipated. I can't believe she kept it from him. Again, although I'm only at the start and I've had a number of failed starts reading this Teri, it must be said there is a subtle humour laced throughout and a very warm connection between characters. It's clear that the connection is also there between the author and her creations. You imbue these characters and it adds to the feeling of family you have so far created effortlessly.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 12:23 Title: Chapter One - Part Two
A cool confrontational meeting here between the Riker-Trois! ;) Good to see that Will is still himself, with the added position of Admiral allowing him to make commanders and captains quake in their boots! LOL And nice to see the Baku are still around.
Date: 11 May 2009 20:39 Title: Chapter One - Part Two
He didn't know? Had no clue his daugher was the captain of the Enterprise. That made me smirk big time.