Date: 29 Mar 2022 01:18 Title: Chapter Eight
Well... the cavelry arrived and shot at their own... that was a fun and unexpected turn of events.
We have got to get a moment with Galmesh and Lar'ragos - there's just no other way for that particular baddie to end.
Really enjoying the quick-paced cuts from scene to scene - catching snippits of the battle from various POV. Much faster intercutting than I've seen before.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 19 Apr 2011 04:10 Title: Chapter Eight
I really would like to see the Maquis get their new state. I'm sure it won't be easy (others will make sure of that), but I think it's a long time coming.
I really like not only the action here, but the politics as well.
...and Sandhurst finally made it to the bridge! ;)
Author's Response:
Sandy *did* finally make it to the bridge! I'm glad the political angle came across here as well as the action...
Date: 14 Apr 2011 16:07 Title: Chapter Eight
To say this chapter was intense would be a gross understatement! Great action sequence aside is the significant meeting between the Cardassians and the League of Sovereign Colonies. At least that seems to be going well.
Not so much for Pava and co. They were badly blind-sided on the Immolator - now they're hurt and bleeding, about to face a very ticked-off Galmesh and the Maquis survivors.
Glad to see T'Ser have a hand in taking revenge for the ambush on Amberjack. I think Captain Akinola would be very pleased.
Author's Response:
T'Ser will definitely get in some licks on behalf of the Border Service. Lar'ragos, on the other hand, often doesn't know when to quit, even when he should.