Date: 04 Feb 2022 04:29 Title: The Penalties of Success
I like these shorter scenes. I'm a big fan of the ultra-short story. Anyone can tell a decent story in 4,000 words. Packing a punch in 500-1K words is art.
I really liked the character portrait of Ebnal and particularly his parting shot. Very much like a boss I had once (I was one of very few who actually liked him - Old Yeller had a really short fuse.) Evidently some of that personality rubbed off on a young Sandhurst.
Thanks!! rbs
Author's Response:
Lucian Ebnal is a legendarily mercurial captain in the United Trek universe. A mix of Patton, Kirk, and Dr. Perry Cox from Scrubs. He does not suffer fools easily. This was Sandhurst's captain just prior to his assuming command of Gibraltar.
Glad you enjoyed the tale!
Date: 02 Feb 2011 20:01 Title: The Penalties of Success
Wonderful glimpse into Sandhurst's L.B.C. (Life Before Command). He's obviously a gifted engineer but sometimes the service requires people to step up and assume responsibilities they never imagined or wanted. I also enjoyed Captain Ebnal's command style - blunt and to the point. Great story!
Author's Response:
Much obliged, TLR! I thought this was a nice look into the first step on Donald's path to command, as well as a chance to use the ever effervescent Captain Ebnal again. ;-)