Date: 19 Oct 2013 23:38 Title: Chapter 3
Smiling again after reading another chapter of Hank, Well been Hank this is a good introduction for those who still not learn that Hank will say the truth and not compare about the how only the outcome. The walker brothers are a great pair of characters and having close but not to close brothers in the command structure will bound to give you some unique opportunities to reviews events on the USS Pearl.
Do like the description of the Bridge, does sound like someone with taste or common sense has re-design the sovereign bridge.
Had to love the line your “I’m of the opinion that he’s too rigid even for a stiff.â€
Date: 28 May 2013 01:43 Title: Chapter 3
"As Chris recalled, he left the captain with a parting gift that earned him some brig time."
I take it Hank punched the captain of the Khitomer? If so Hank was a bit of bad-ass in his youth!
It also looks like Mark has been glossing over a few things to ensure his bigger brother doesn't get too protective. I must say that Chris and Mark have quite the dynamism and they seem to compliment each other rather well without becoming annoying.
Hank... He's a bit like Sisko but more upbeat and he definitely has some of Sisko's craziness and directness. I'm starting to really admire Hank's style of command!
So you've got some strong characters there that's for sure plus the story does not give to me that sense of dragging, so I'm liking what I'm seeing man!
Date: 01 Feb 2010 03:07 Title: Chapter 3
Party in engineering!
So we meet the brothers ... who are appropriately brotherly. I hope Mark has a brotherly plan to get Chris back for badmouthing him in front of the captain, though.
So far, Hank seems like a little bit of a loose cannon. That promises to be entertaining. I only know him from the multiverse and he seems VERY different there, so I'm wondering exactly what kind of events await that could change him so. I'll have to keep reading!
Author's Response:
Hank came from humble beginning and as such, the way he is now isn't the way he will be-lots is gonna happen to him.
As for the brothers, its the one thing I've always wanted in Trek-a brother duo of some sort. Everytime their are brothers in trek one seems good while the other is evil; mine aren't this way at all, though Chris is a tad overbearing and cocky, he isn't evil.
Date: 23 Apr 2009 21:53 Title: Chapter 3
Great to see the pairing in the brothers and their easy banter and style with one another. Hank may have a blessing in them or trouble galore!
Date: 01 Apr 2009 16:43 Title: Chapter 3
Copied from the Omega Sector:
I really like Harrison. He's got kind of an edge on him, and I think I like best that he allows his officers to do their jobs (like Chris) without butting into it. I also like the homage to the Enterprise-C; it's fitting, and poignant.
This is a good start. Your pacing is nice and quick, without being too fast and therefore losing itself in the speed. The style is also very clean, which is a big bonus in your favor -- this is actually cleaner, writing wise, than most Trek novels currently put out. All of the characters introduced so far come across as real and alive, and you've set up an excellent mystery. Nice work so far! It may take me awhile to catch up, but I'm enjoying what I'm seeing so far.
Date: 20 Feb 2009 23:03 Title: Chapter 3
::gasps:: I'm with Chris there. I'd be shocked, too! LOL. Love the brothers already, and Harrison keeps surprising me! 'Run it like a circus for all I care...' I think if Picard had heard that, he'd fall out of his chair. ::grins:: On I go, impatient to see how it develops... ;-)
Date: 19 Feb 2009 23:28 Title: Chapter 3
“Furthermore, feel free to run engineering like a circus for all I care,” he got up and threw up his hands, “just make sure the job gets done!”
Seriously: I fangirl Hank. I want to nominate him for the best Captain of the decade. For as wonderful as some of the other OC captains are, Hank just owns my soul.
Author's Response:
I'm glad he's so loved. Thanks.