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Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2013 07:55 Title: Night Terrors

Oh, Maren. This is a visceral and nasty Borg scene … these are the reasons why the Borg are the worst of the worst of the baddies (even with a Queen, bleh). The very atmosphere crawls with them and this dream sequence is just … goosebump inducing. Maren, walking through a Borg cube, is a far braver soul than I. I wouldn’t in a Borg and this just makes me want to agree all the more with you assertion that Maren is a B.A. She’s just strolling through there and taking it all in, all there to save Icheb.

Icheb, who’s not with her and she misses. Icheb, whom she is worried over and can’t sleep without. Icheb, who was once Borg and is horrifyingly still Borg in some ways … he can never come back to what he was. He can never really be that but what was he to begin with anyway? Icheb sure doesn’t know.

Maren is there to rescue him, true love being a stronger call than anything else in life, and she fails to do it. She is assimilated in creepy assed fashion (pardon the phrasing, but it is that) and the way you describe the tubules just burrowing their way into her skin … *shivers*

I shouldn’t have read this before bed.

Well, it was worth it. Well done.  

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Dec 2010 10:15 Title: Night Terrors

Another installment of Star Trek: Tortured Characters ... uhm ... Tesseract.

Very vivid and disturbing nightmare. Seems to me Maren's connection to Icheb is a lot closer than just being a couple in love.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Dec 2010 11:46 Title: Night Terrors

This is yet another reminder of the love, the bond, between Maren and Icheb - and indeed another reminder of how messed up it has gotten. Such is the depth of Maren's love for Icheb that even after he has 'rejected' her and walked away from their relationship, she is so pained as to be troubled and dreaming of him. Of course, given the messy nature of things and her fears for him, those dreams are expressed in nightmares of a truly horrific nature. The fear of assimilation is clear here as much as is the fear for Icheb's whereabouts. She seeks him desperately and yet she finds herself assimilated - the sense of violation, of identity being taken, the loss of control and the abuse of the body and mind thereafter has to be a truly frightening deal. And for Maren in her relationship with Icheb that had to be a niggling concern all along - not just that she could be assimilated but the horrors that visited her love. Also one wonders if she fears that she was losing herself to Icheb - allowing him to assimilate her - as in take over her life, losing control of it to him, such was her love and devotion to him. Perhaps. Or perhaps that is too Freudian in nature. I dunno but this piece is certainly very effective and the stream of consciousness thinking style of the writing is the best fit for the disorientating, disjointed, fearful feel for a nightmare.

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