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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jul 2013 01:24 Title: Chapter 5

I love T'Pring and of course the name is a canon TOS shout-out. Competent and flexible, I like how she realizes to modulate her voice in order to deliver a sense of urgency to John.

The patchy work to get communications going is well-explained and does not drown in technobabble - a lot of authors have that as a problem, but you clearly do not.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Aug 2010 00:10 Title: Chapter 5

Outstanding chapter as John and T'Pring attempt to pick up the pieces and determine what (and who) is salvageable, and what isn't.

John's clearly in over his head, but he's rising to the challenge, a great characteristic in a future leader. He's keeping his people calm, focused, and on-task, much as T'Pring is aboard Luna.

Here's hoping John can bring those last 30 people out alive.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Aug 2010 02:25 Title: Chapter 5

Whew...not looking good for the Sol or the folks on it. Brutal death count already, and I'm sure more to come. Ouch...good chapter.

Reviewer: Enterprise1981 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Aug 2010 19:00 Title: Chapter 5

Oh boy! Two battered ships and barely any transporters to help with the evacuation. Hope all goes well... wink wink

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Aug 2010 23:21 Title: Chapter 5

Damn you smashed both ships up good kes. It's one messed up jigsaw puzzle for sure. Almost we have enough bits for one ship alas we have two. And when we see the damage and the situation as even viewed through the eyes of a cool and calm Vulcan we are hit with how badly off both ships are and yet how lucky they appear to have been. It's a worrying sign for down the road that the enemies out there are just so formidable. That's gulp moment waiting for us down the line.

Of course, that depends on them getting out of this one alive as they are far from doing yet. There are plenty of people unaccounted for and many of them civilians and we somehow have to get them off the Sol in the next :insert countdown timeframe here: YIPES! I'm putting down a 100 bucks here that the rescue and evacuation is not going to go smoothly. Any takers?? No! No? Surely we all don't think kes7 is that evil? ... I guess we do.

But man oh man! What a great piece. From the foul-mouthed and fiery personality of JQ to the more poised and calm precision of T'Pring we have two contrasts in charge. It makes for a compelling contrast and an even more vivid picture of what is happening. I loved both POVs and think they added so much to the overall effect. Smart thinking and great command skills shown by both, poor T'Pring's skills are probably going to be overshadowed by the far younger and more inexperienced JQ stepping big time up to the command plate. After the various doubts about his decisions, even 'voiced' by T'Pring, we see him take charge and make smart moves others would have missed. Terrific stuff. Excellent.

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